Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair

Ooooh, this looks fun!

Judy's Affordable Vintage Fair (the UK's largest vintage marketplace, don't you know) is coming to Edinburgh this Sunday. It promises to be full of affordable, eclectic one-off stock, from 60s shifts & 20s lace (ooh) to tie-dye, menswear, accessories & more. The amazing Miss Dixiebelle (vintage hair & make up supremes) will be there, and I am going to go out on a limb and assume that there will be tea in vintage china & cupcakes galore. 

I've always had mixed luck with vintage shops/fairs. I own a very wonderful fake-fur coat that I bought in a theatre-closing-down sale for £10 which I love SO MUCH (even though I can't ever work out what to wear it with), but I've also spent many frustrating hours trying to find something that is nice, actually fits & doesn't cost £££s!

Still, I like the sound of this one (they stress that it's affordable quite heavily, which hopefully means actually affordable, not just affordable in a "it's only £80, how maaaaahrvellous" way).

If you aren't based in Edinburgh it's worth taking a look at their events page as they are all over the country (some have vintage furniture too, lovely!).


  1. Looks/Sounds like so much fun, shame it doesn't do it closer to me!

  2. i am totally going to this! thanks for the heads up :D x

  3. I have always wanted to go to this but I am away home this weekend so will miss it!

  4. Dam I wish I was in the are so I could go, have a lovely time! XxxX

  5. Oh wow, I wish I was in Edinburgh! Although you're right, affordable vintage is usually still not very affordable! Enjoy =)

  6. That looks like so much fun! I swoon over affordable vintage finds.

    xo, Lela
    Fashion Blog -

  7. Ahhh amazing! I always went to these when I lived in Leeds, so glad they're go to Edinburgh too as I'm moving there in a few weeks!

    The best one's to look out for are their 'Kilo Sales' - you pay by the weight of your clothes, £15/kilo, which is great when all you want are tshirts and dresses! Also I've always found they're pretty relaxed and if it's near the end of the day or you're extra nice to them they'll let you go over a kilo....once I got 2 kilos of clothes for the price of one!

    Can't say they've ever served tea at the ones I've been too, but then again that might just be Leeds where they're held in church halls and universities, Edinburgh might be a bit more glamourous! If its the same as Leeds though don't expect the whole twee vintage thing to be played up on - it's literally just rails and rails of clothes crammed into a hall and maybe some 'quirky' music played in the background, I guess this makes it more affordable! Hope you enjoy it x


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