Tuesday 1 December 2020


 Hello! This year's been a funny old thing, hasn't it? I've been working from home for the last eight months, a bit jealous of anyone who's been furloughed (I do like my job, and I am very grateful to still have it, but it has been a bit intense and knackering) and somehow even though it's pitch black at 3pm, it still feels like it could be April and this was all a big fever dream?

I'm trying hard to find JOY and appreciate the good things in life (when really I just miss my pals, and would kill to drink a pint, indoors, with friends), so with happiness in mind I have thrown myself into trying to feel festive! The Christmas tree is up, I have completed my Christmas shopping (and it's all wrapped and already under the tree, what is wrong with me), and my Netflix watch list has their entire festive catalogue ready to go.

The other way I've been coping this year is art! I'm not sure what it is about a global pandemic that has inspired me to paint, but that is now pretty much my only hobby. And I'm definitely getting better! If you remember my old attempts (hello), you might notice a difference

So that brings me to my new favourite thing - STAR TREK CHRISTMAS CARDS!

I am a big Star Trek fan, so I just drew these for fun. Some of the puns ('make it snow') were already out there, but it took a long time to come up with 'I'm Dreaming of a Free Bajor'! I am really proud of them, so it took only the smallest amount of encouragement to get them printed, and then set up an Etsy store to sell them.

I was really nervous to see if they'd print okay (they did!) and then nervous about whether anyone would buy them (they did!!) and that it wasn't all an awkward burst of over-enthusiasm (it wasn't! thank goodness). 

If you have a sci-fi fan in your life, maybe you'd like to buy some? You can do so here - Etsy - Juliet Paints, and if you'd like to keep up with my art insta (which is updated much more than this poor blog), you can find that here - Instagram - Juliet Paint

I always knew shopping small and supporting local businesses was a good thing, but I really didn't realise how genuinely GIDDY I'd feel every time I got a sale notification, it really means a lot. So if you do buy something, thanks!!