Oh man, what a month! In the last twenty eight days I have been on holiday, changed jobs & slept a LOT. Where did the time go?
Instagram username: @eversojuliet |
1. Flying over the Alps on route to
Athens. Such an amazing sight, and crazy to think it's only a couple of hours away by plane!
2. I finally got my hair cut & blonde bits redyed after months & months trimming my fringe myself (with kitchen scissors, oops). I feel so much more myself with a short blunt fringe (ignore how messy it is in that photo!), must make an effort to go to the hairdresser more regularly.
3. Krispy Kreme opened in
Edinburgh this month & it felt like the whole city went mental about doughnuts (even now there seems to be a queue permanently at the drive thru!). I went along to the VIP opening & ate more sugar than one girl really should.
4. In my last couple of weeks at
The List I had a few lovely meetings getting things wrapped up before I left. One of these was with the
Fringe, who had the most amazing chocolate truffles to eat! I've got the recipe & will blog this very very soon!
5. A tradition in magazines is that you get a personalised cover when you leave, and this is mine! I had the nicest leaving party and managed to (just!) keep myself together & not cry.
6. On my last day I also took in the most indulgent chocolate cake (recipe from
Claire's blog). It's the most amazing cake - I made it for my friends wedding last year too & it's so moist & rich. Well worth a try if you have a sweet tooth!
7. I've continued painting this month & am trying to practice portraits as much as possible. I've dipped into fan art territory a little here with this work in progress of Daenerys from Game of Thrones.
8. For Valentine's Day Craig & I decided not to do anything (cause we'd just been to Athens!) but I was surprised at work with roses - the first time I've ever had flowers delivered on Valentine's! Awww.
9. & I painted him a tattoo-style card. I love my wee swallow - so much fun to do!
10. Since I started my new job I've been absolutely shattered every night - starting somewhere new is knackering! Most days I've just lazed about at home & had super early nights, but I ventured out to the Vikings edition of
Museum Lates. If you live near Edinburgh & haven't been to a Lates yet, you
have to go - they are so much fun! The next one is on May 17th, so stick the date in your diary.
11. Finally got around to getting frames for a few prints. Ready to go up is my List cover, an
Ella Masters beardy man & a Riley illustration by
Danielle Taylor.
12. The beast himself. Such a cute (ridiculous) cat!