So. It's a rainy bank holiday Monday, I am skint (was promised to be paid on Friday.. turns out pay day isn't until tomorrow - argh!) & Craig is away on an epic cycling holiday across Europe (I'm totally jealous). I've spent this morning being miaowed at by the cat, reading (Louise Welsh -
Naming the Bones - taking me a wee bit to get into) and watching the first episodes of Oz.
I have also continued on my "journey" of hair stylin', and did my best to copy this french-braid up-do thing from
Love Meagan (please note, my final creation looks nothing like hers).
It took me SO MANY TRIES to get it to a point I'm happy with (and it can CLEARLY be improved) - I don't think I've tried to do a french braid on myself ever, never mind at the back of my head, but hey. What I hadn't thought about was just how hard it is to take a photo of the back of your own head! How do these stylish bloggers do it? Maybe they have slaves?
Trying (& failing) to use my camera's self timer |
Success! My hair is not this shiny in real life |
You can clearly see how messy it is, but that's not the point. It's MEANT to be messy. And it isn't a bun or er, a regular plait, so it's different and sort of smart for me - which is good! It looks nice from the front too. Look.
I shut my eyes every time I tried to take a photo, so I compensated by trying to look like an owl |
The other peril of taking photos of yourself (aside from shame, being too stupid to work your camera & just feeling like an idiot) is camera invaders! Riley usually tries to escape photo-taking, but decided to launch for the camera (or er, more likely the camera strap). What a wee dude.
Riley isn't smizing. Poor show, R Catz |
Awww |
Anyway, that's enough photos of me for one day, except to show off one last thing - my totally grown up nails!
They are meant to be watermelons (clearly) and are too much fun. I was going to take them off before work, but I don't want to. Fingers crossed I don't have any meetings with watermelon haters this week.