Monday, 4 March 2013

Spring accessory wishlist

After moaning about how cold it's been for ages, it feels like Spring has finally sprung! Hooray! This weekend the sun actually came out & I spent all of yesterday pottering about in my garden & tidying things up, which was really lovely.

Fingers crossed that it'll keep getting nicer and lighter (with no freak March snow) and I can finally escape my winter uniform of chunky boots & a heavy coat (which I do like, but I am ready for a change!). So here's a list of spring-inspired pastel colour goodness that I have my eye on...

 Top row

Bottom row

I've actually got the wallet already - I absolutely love it! I'm also in love with the shoes - at just under £260 they are a little more than I would usually spend (I'm joking - I mean a lot, a lot!), but a girl can dream right?


  1. I@ve had my eye on those shoes for a while now, but I'm just not sure how much wear I would get from them. I'm not often a fan of flat shoes.

  2. The pastel satchel is lovely. That colour is perfect!

  3. That pastel satchel is gorgeous! I just don't think it would fit EVERYTHING I need into it boo! I love the sunglasses too but I can never justify expensive glasses as I always loose them. However I've had my eye on that Crown & Glory headband for a while.. might just have to get it for Spring!

    Amy x

  4. Drooling over absolutely everything on this list!

  5. Hehe! I own those birdy hair grips. They were the very ones that I won <3 they're so nice :)

  6. I love the pastel satchel!

    lucy x

  7. THOSE!! x

  8. Those maple wood sunglasses are beautiful and I am loving all the floral headbands I've been seeing. You have given me too many things to spend my money on. Uh oh!

  9. Absolutely love the colour of that satchel, gorgeous xx


Thank you so much for commenting, it is lovely and really makes my day!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
