Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Restarting running

Well it's not really a surprise that I stopped running over August. I knew it was going to be hard. The whole month was full of very late nights (both for fun & work) & trying to get sleep when I could. Running, or any sort of exercise, was at the very back of my mind. I'd also really struggled on week five of Couch to 5k and was fed up.

But now I am EVEN more fed up. I have hardly any energy and just want to hibernate - the days of getting up at 6.15am to exercise before going to work seem totally unreal and undoable. I'm not that fussed about eating healthy. I've watched Craig work his way up to regularly running 5ks and feel jealous, but weak. Wah! Things have to change.

By That ARThletic Girl (who does the loveliest inspirational drawings!)

And they will. Yesterday I restarted Couch to 5k and the 30 Day Shred. It feels like I'm being a bit of a quitter, starting all the way back at the beginning, but I think I need to be sensible and gradually work my way up again. It's only been a month and already it felt SO MUCH harder - which is sad as I obviously had started to get a wee bit fit, but I know I can do it again.

I'm also going to monitor things a little differently. Last time I weighed myself on the fancy machines in Boots and was so disappointed not to have lost any weight after a month (even though my BMI went down, AND I was feeling better). It was only afterwards that it was pointed out that muscle does weigh more than fat, so I must have lost something to keep my weight the same when getting fitter. So this time I will be ignoring the scales, and keeping an eye on my measurements instead. I'm doing this because I want to feel fitter and be more active... so no more stressing over stones and pounds!

I'll be blogging with weekly updates (which is massively helpful for my motivation!) and am keeping a close eye on these motivational blogs:

Wish me luck! And please share any words of wisdom that you might have. 


  1. Good for you. I usually find it really hard to stick at exercising when I start it, but I've stuck to my current routine for a good few months now and I'm loving it. Stick at it and you'll get there :)

  2. I did the same thing! Actually I did nothing good for my body in August. I really need to start running again :)x

  3. Hooray you! I'm closing in on the end of C25K's Week 4 and it's starting to get to me, so I hear ya there. But I do feel better when I get up and work out, it's just a matter of finding a way to stay motivated! All the best!

  4. You got a bike? Try a bit of cycling for wee change x


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