Sunday, 18 October 2015


How is it Sunday already? It's almost November, how mad is that?!

This week has flown by. I've been to London and back, I've felt guilty for not packing anything yet, and I'm still having loads of issues with Ikea (aaaargh)! Still, this weekend has been ace. I've been watching anime at the Filmhouse, and today I've got a Star Trek-themed games afternoon with my pals because we are cool guys.

Here's my round-up of interesting things from the internet this week!

Cactus earrings - Finest Imaginary on Etsy
I refuse to believe that you don't pronounce the 't' in Voldemort, but apparently so, according to the 10 most commonly mispronounced names in the world of literature.

I started listening to Limetown this week and I am OBSESSED. It's a fictional podcast that follows a journalist as she investigates the infamous disappearance of a doomed research facility, and it is so so so good. If you liked Serial and love spooky things, this is perfect for you.

If you're not sick of my halloween chat already, you'll like this: Black Heart Creatives (a super cool acrylic jewelery designer) have pulled together their plus size halloween picks (the drippy blood necklace is so cool!).

And here are 12 no-carve pumpkin ideas - I love the stencil ones!

Have you ever wondered how much do real bloggers earn?

This is a really horrifying, but fascinating statistic - people are being shot by toddlers on a weekly basis this year.

I didn't know anyone who owned a peacock, but my mum ALWAYS lectured me on how to pronounce 'butter', so parts of this hit a bit close to home! 19 problems you had if you grew up posh in Scotland.

This is my new favourite thing. Someone has written a book of dessert recipes inspired by Game of Thrones called Game of Scones, and it is as deliciously wicked as you might imagine! 

And finally, this absolutely should not be as funny as it is: Which song is most improved when all occurrences of "I," "me," "my," etc. are replaced with "Greg"?


  1. I'm all about the no-carve pumpkins this year,so I'm loving some new inspiration!!! I need to embrace the rest of October before it's gone, it's flying by this year! Katie

    1. Me too! I love the glitter dipped ones, they are so pretty!


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