Friday 16 October 2015


There's nothing like writing a weekly feature to realise how quickly time actually passes by. There's now only two weeks left until I get my keys! Two! Have I packed, or done ANYTHING useful?

Well, kind of. I've now been back to the flat to measure things (and have a pleasant-awkward encounter with the current owners), and I now have actual boxes so I can start to pack (I just haven't packed anything in them yet). I've bought a shower screen, and I would have ordered the rest of my furntiure, but I am having a total nightmare trying to order with Ikea online. It's all I can afford, and it thinks my postcode is invalid. Weep!

I love buying little homeware items, but I am trying SO hard to wait until I'm in and I've set up my proper furniture before I get carried away on accessorising the rooms. It's hard though! Lights and candles and cute vases are so much more fun to buy than tiles and dining chairs. So here's a list of what I love (and I'm just going to cross my fingers that none of these sell out in the next few weeks!).





  1. 2 weeks - how exciting!! Love that terrarium, it looks like one of those fancy hanging chairs, albeit a tiny version. The chalk globe looks really cool too!

    Good luck with the new place! :) xx

    1. Thank you! Yeah, I definitely want the chalk globe, but I'd be nervous about drawing on it neatly! x


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If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
