Friday, 2 September 2011

Happy thoughts

This week has been so lovely! Bank holiday days off, lots of chilling, a wee spot of shopping and catching up on much needed sleep. Ahh. Here's some of the things that have made it nice.

1. Auld Reekie Roller Girls

SO many exciting things are happening for ARRG! If you head over to WFTDA (Women's Flat Track Derby Association) you'll see that ARRG are now an official member league! So exciting. This is something that ARRG have worked really hard for (as a newer member I haven't contributed at all, but at least I can join the celebrations and be proud!). We're the second European league, after the mighty London Roller Girls, to join so this is a big deal.

Not only that, but we have home teams for the first time, with the home season kicking off next January!

AND I'll be returning to skating on Sunday! I'm very happy about this, with a healthy dose of being a bit terrified as I haven't skated in eight weeks. I'm hoping it all comes flooding back.

2. Charity shop finds

So happy to get this book! The Crimson Petal and the White is one of my favourite books, and I've wanted to pick this up for ages (but have always been a bit too skint when I spotted it in book shops!). I saw Michel Faber talk at the book festival and I loved it, so this is very well timed. Ta, charity shop.

My friend Niki also picked up a spur of the moment well thought out smoking jacket. It's velvet and very sharp.

3. Being healthy!

My holiday is fast approaching  (32 days!) so I am really looking forward to eating loads of tasty, healthy food and getting back to derby training after the excess of August! Today's lunch is a salad from the Edinburgh Larder and it is really lovely.

Have a lovely weekend all. If you are in London then go to this!


  1. lol Classic Niki fashion statement.
    Eve x

  2. Ha, I know! It was such a lucky find x


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