Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Things to look forward to

September is a funny month. It's always a bit too quiet - people tend to stay in and save a bit of money after the festival, work is quieter (our publication schedule goes back to normal and everyone takes their holidays!), the city is quieter (I secretly love this) and it's currently too cold and windy to spend much time outside. Hmm.

But hoorah hoorah, there are exciting things on the horizon! Not that life always has to be exciting, but it is good, ain't it.

So. In order of date (not preference).


Planes, disney and surfing are all on the agenda for our upcoming trip to Florida! Just booked tickets to see New Found Glory and Set Your Goals at the House of Blues too! Only twenty sleeps to go...


I actually debated writing an entire post on Hallowe'en today, I love it so much. Is that too early? It is almost (sort of) October.. Hmm. Anyway. It's great. You get to dress up! And I make a "scary" gingerbread house every year. And play stupid games like wink murder. Excellent.


Only 102 days until Christmas! Okay, I'm sorry. I know it's too early. Even for me. But December is without doubt my very favourite month. And I just wanted to an excuse to post my very favourite gingerbread creation.

I will do a how-to on gingerbread houses soon, and you too can get addicted and make one for every occasion!


  1. I totally agree with you about september, and I can't wait for halloween and Christmas either! Love this time of year, so much to look forward to! xx

  2. Florida AND New Found Glory?! omg so jealous! Hope you have a fab time


  3. Cannot wait for halloween and christmas !!
    Love your blog :)
    New follower xx

  4. Charlotte - definitely! This half of the year always seems to fly by. x

    Eloise - ha, thanks! I'm really excited x

    Launa - Aww, thanks! x

  5. I love that photo of the tea cups! I worked at Disneyland (California) every summer during college, so this photo brings me back :) Looks as though you have a lot to look forward to!

  6. Oh wow, that must have been fun! I considered doing that during uni, but was too late to apply (boo). x

  7. Your holiday sounds amazing! I am so so so so sooooo jel! Also last year I ran a bloggers secret santa! You must join in this yearr!


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