Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Legally Blonde


I went on a bit of a spur of the moment trip last night to see the opening night of Legally Blonde the Musical at the Edinburgh Playhouse. I wasn't totally sure what to expect... even though I've seen the film, I wouldn't know any of the songs. & it was a Tuesday. But ahh, who needs to worry about that! 

We got our (pink prosecco) cocktails, settled into our amazing seats (thanks, Playhouse!) and watched the most over-the-top camp musical I've ever seen. Singing! Dancing! Pink (EVERYWHERE). Scantily clad buff posties (with accompanying screams). A song called "gay or European". "OMG you guys" every five minutes. 

& ACTUAL dogs. Look at the wee face.

Photo from the Legally Blonde facebook. Hiya pup!

Ohhh, it was brilliant. I really love musicals, so I am quite easily pleased, but it has already started getting really good reviews from people who are paid to enjoy these things.

If you fancy it it's on at the Playhouse until September 14th. They run competitions on their facebook page quite regularly so it's worth keeping an eye on that!


  1. Totally want to go book tickets to see this at the Sunderland Empire - there's lots that I want to see though, so got to try and decide on one show to go too! booooo. I think i'm going to choose Legally Blonde! Yeeessss! x

  2. I saw Legally Blonde in London, it was so amazing! I was so shocked they used actually dogs, crazy! :) xx

  3. I saw Legally Blonde in London and loved it, defo one of my all time favourite shows!! Glad you enjoyed it too xx

  4. LOVe this movie! and Love your BLOG! very sweet!
    please follow my blog if u love!! thank you!

  5. That sounds so so amazing and the dog is super adorable <3

  6. I'm glad there is so much love for Legally Blonde, it deserves it!


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