Saturday, 8 December 2012

Christmas spending

It's December, which means Christmas is ON! Festive lights are up everywhere, the markets are open, mulled wine is brewing & I've got my beautiful (real!) Christmas tree up and decorated (more on this soon!).

This year I've tried to be as organised as possible! I started shopping in November to try & spread the costs of presents out a little more & have been armed with spreadsheets, lists and highlighters to keep me right (and avoid any potential "ohgodohgodohgodIforgotaboutsoandso" panic). I realise that sounds very boring, but I promise it's fun & not quite as military-esque as it sounds!

Anyway, as fun as being Captain Organised is, I still always look forward to a "proper" day of Christmas shopping with my mum - bustling round shops, feeling like santa with millions of bags & going for "reward" cups of coffee. Ace!

So, this leads me (sort of) nicely onto a new ad that was flagged up to me last week. It's promoting Barclaycard's contactless payment (which, really, is some sort of wonderful witchcraft!), where you either tap your card or your phone over a contactless reader & instantly pay for items up to £15. No faffing with your wallet, or struggling to juggle bags, or anything!


The ad is very Toy Story esque... toys come to life to show how easy shopping can be. The future is here... 

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by Spreaditfast.


  1. Ooohhh I like your wrapping style, I think I need to get some candy canes, a really nice addition!! I did all my shopping in November so its all well out the way, and the same as you, just to spread the cost a bit!!

    One thing I've wondered about that barclaycard thing - A lot of people get their phones stolen, imagine it now, NOW you would have access to their bank as a thief, as well. No questions asked...!! Scary..

    1. Thanks! I had mini candy canes one year that I tied to my presents, which were cute - think I might do that again this year!

      Ooooh, that's a good question. I guess you just have to phone them as soon as your phone is nicked? x

  2. You seem very organised indeed! Never known someone to use spreadsheets for this haha, love it. I started my shopping in October to spread the cost as well, still have a few presents to get but I've wrapped some and am feeling very festive! Love this time of year. xx

  3. This commercial was very cute!! I think something similar has started here in the U.S. too. Good luck with all your shopping! I only have one more present left to get. :)

  4. Wow, so organised! I am shamefully behind and don't even have any wrapping paper! I *sort of* enjoy the rushing though X

    1. Aw, well that's the main bit - as long as you are having fun! x

  5. Your wrapping looks beautiful, the candy cane is such a great idea! I spend ages wrapping and co-ordinating too :)

    I love proper Christmas shopping too (esp the coffee breaks, which are a must!) but since moving back to Berwick I don't bother because we have so few shops :( Plus shopping with a baby is a nightmare! Maybe next year?

    Amy x


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