Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Glittery shoes

The trouble with Scotland is that it almost always rains. And the trouble with rain (apart from obvious soggy woes) is that it absolutely ruins shoes... particularly ballerina flats (that aren't designed for sloshing about in puddles).

I am very bad for hanging onto shoes for much longer than appropriate, and tend to try and patch them up about ten times before saying goodbye. But the other day I decided that enough was enough & went on a sensible shoe shopping mission.

Er, or so I thought.

Buffalo glitter ballerina shoes *

I'm not quite sure what happened, but instead of the smart black flats I picked out, these shoes made their way into my basket. These glittery, disco ball, bow-topped, when-will-I-wear-them shoes. Ohh boy.

I am going to justify this decision with the following logic:

  • It is almost October, which means it is almost winter, which means it is practically the festive season, when glittery shoes are appropriate.
  • They will be perfect for the next museum lates (more on this later!)
  • They are beautiful and I will love them for a very long time. 
  • EVERYONE needs at least one pair of glittery shoes, right?

Let's ignore the fact that I saw a tiny child wearing almost identical shoes the other day, and just focus on the sparkly, sparkly, sparkles. 


  1. You chose the glittery ones! Yay! If the glittery choice is there - ALWAYS be sparkly ;)


  2. I love them!! Who cares if they're sensible?

  3. I do the same thing xD Hang onto shoes forever, despite the fact that they're falling apart, and then buy something completely non-sensible. But glittery shoes? You can totally get away with them! Christmas, New Years' - winter is perfect for sparkle :D

  4. They are so pretty I need them ;)

  5. You are so right everyone in life needs a pair of glittery shoes to channel their inner Dorothy!! So beautiful! XxxX

  6. I am in love with those shoes! I need those shoes!!!!


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