Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Fab - daily design deals

Have you heard of Fab yet? It's a daily deals site, but with a bit of a difference. Instead of endless restaurant vouchers & cleaning companies (that nobody has heard of), it showcases brilliant design products - jewellery, homewares, accessories, prints & the like. Items are discounted from their usual retail price (sometimes by up to 70%) and are on site for about a week, so you can take time to decide if you really do need to buy that bowler hat light (er, yes, you do).

I've been meaning to blog about them for quite a while now... I haven't bought anything yet, but it's one of the only email newsletters I get that I open every single time - even if it's out my price range, I can't resist looking!

But that's all going to change today, as this wonderful item popped up.

LOOK AT THIS. It's called a MatchCarden and it's a teeny tiny card & garden by Another Studio. It comes flatpacked (you can send it as a card through the post), and you assemble it, sow the cress seeds (which are provided) and sit back and watch your garden grow. Awww.

City Street Trio - Another Studio
They come in different sizes too, you can get city versions, a mini hothouse, a botanical garden, a football pitch, and lots more. 

Fab have lots of nice looking products coming up too (including fluttery paper eyelashes, oooh), but I am obsessed with gardening at the moment.. and can't quite resist the idea of gardening at my desk! Be mine, tiny buildings. 


  1. This is amazing Juliet! So in love with this site right now! xx

  2. Ahhhhhh! You have just introduced me to this site and I just spent over £30!!! It is so super lovely with AMAZING things. I also ordered the wrong thing first time and emailed them, they got back to me straight away and sorted out my mistake, 10/10 for customer service! What a lovely site with lovely people working for them! xx


Thank you so much for commenting, it is lovely and really makes my day!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
