Thursday, 21 June 2012

Simple aztec nails

Models Own - red alert

I've been going a wee bit over the top with my recent nail art attempts, so it was nice to have simple nails for a change.

I used my favourite Models Own  red - I really love this polish! It goes on really smoothly and is pretty much the perfect shade of red. I then used my (now going slightly gloopy) nail art pens to add the detail on the accent nail.

Sorry for the incredibly dark photo by the way - Scotland seems to have forgotten that it is MEANT TO BE SUMMER. I miss daylight!


  1. Aw love that! I'm a big fan of accent nails. You get the fun of nail art without the time and effort of doing all 10! =)

  2. amazing! really like your blog :)x

  3. Love these - wish i had the patience! x


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