Friday, 29 June 2012

Outfit: clashing colours

Dress: River Island
Jacket: New Look
Bag: New Look
Shoes: Moony Mood Spartoo*

I know this isn't really a fashion blog (nor am I a fashionable person), but I am quite enjoying posting the odd outfit post every now and again! This is what I wore on the second day of our trip to Paris (and this photo was taken in the Louvre, no less!).

It was a slightly grey and drizzly day, so this outfit was perfect for charging about the streets. I wore my very trusty leopard print raincoat which I love SO much. I bought it for £10 to wear to T in the Park and (shameful confession) have held onto it and loved it ever since. I don't know how it hasn't fallen apart yet, but it's just so good - it's light and small enough that you can pack in it your bag and also manages to keep heavy rain off. Perfect!

I know for a city break I'd want to stick to flats (I can barely handle heels for a night, never mind a weekend) so these brogues were super! Really good and comfy, and they even coped with stomping around in puddles.

p.s. I know that combining a coral bag, rust orange tights and leopard print maybe isn't the most ladylike combo, but I don't mind... I like it!


  1. Aw, your outfit is adorable & i'm so jealous you were in Paris!

  2. Looking gorgeous, I love your outfit! Lucky you for being in Paris, have fun! XxxX

  3. The day we went to the Louvre our feet nearly dropped off. We walked miles and miles!

    You look lovely x

  4. What a cute little blog you have! I was just randomly searching and I found a cute picture of your blog so I visited :)

    I hope we can be friends! I'm following! Return the favor? ;D

    love, polly

  5. Your tights are a great colour!


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