Monday, 19 December 2011

Alternative Christmas songs

Looks like Christmas is fast approaching... less than a week to go! I've managed to survive three nights out in a row (big party at the National Portrait Gallery, work Christmas lunch & a festive night in at my lovely pal Rae's house - where I wore my onesie, ha), so I am feeling the holiday spirit!

I have quite a ridiculous taste in music these days (my teenage self would be quite ashamed, I reckon), but alongside listening to Michael Bub's Christmas album on repeat (it's just SO good), I do have a couple of favourites that are a little different that I wanted to share. Here goes.

1. Tim Minchin - White Wine in the Sun

Tim Minchin is an Australian comedian (you've heard of him, surely?), but his Christmas song is much more serious and sweet than his usual material. It's also not that keen on religion. It's an ode to family and being together and is SO beautiful. It's lovely. I love him.

2. Robert Downey Jr. - River

Oh my god, this song! This man! It's so beautiful, it's ridiculous. It appeared way back when on Ally McBeal (when he was it in as Larry... did anyway else watch it?) and I remember burning into onto loads of mix cds that I made! You can see the scene it appeared in here.

3. Frightened Rabbit - It's Christmas So We'll Stop

Frightened Rabbit are a Scottish band (I've mentioned them a little before) and their take on Christmas is much more cynical ("now the cold has turned away, we can be best friends with the people we hate") but it's a good choice if you are completely over cheesy Christmas music (ahem). There's also a really good choir version of the song here.

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