Monday, 12 December 2011

Primark opens in Edinburgh

After a very (very) long wait, Primark has FINALLY opened up in Edinburgh! 

This is exciting for various reasons...  it's a massive 75,000 square feet so is their newest flagship store (and the biggest one in Europe, I believe?!) spanning a huge five floors; it's a well-needed boost to a boring Princes St; I'm skint (because of wonderful house-buying!) so I can only buy things if they are a total bargain from now on... AND I got to go in for a sneak peek on Friday night before it opened!

We were ushered in, handed champagne (hello) and then whisked round the shop on a big tour. I was far too distracted to take many photos, but I couldn't believe how SHINY and clean everything was. It was also a total treat getting to see everything laid out really neatly and in order - I normally only get to go to Primark in Glasgow on Saturday afternoons, where it feels like a bit of a free for all!  

 After our tour we were then allowed to shop (with the help of a wee treat in our goodie bags, thanks Primark!) and it was SO surreal. At several points there was only myself and one shop assistant in sight, and it felt a little like being in a zombie film (er, a lovely and shiny shopping zombie film). I'm just not at all used to shopping in such peace and quiet... but I could easily get used to it.

I got a little caught up in the giddiness of the moment and bought an embarrassing amount of stuff.

Hello bags. You are many, and full of wonder.

I look a bit frazzled in this photo, but that's probably because I have just bought half of the shop! I had originally planned to try and buy dresses (for all the festive/birthday/hogmanay events I have coming up), but I failed completely and was utterly drawn to anything that was cosy....

.... including a onesie.

Definitely my new favourite outfit. Oh lord.

A festive onesie, no less. Judge all you want, it's incredibly warm and pretty much the best £10 I've recently spent.

Primark is likely to be absolutely HEAVING until Christmas, with the new shop opening excitement and all, but it's open til 8pm each weeknight if you are feeling brave!


  1. This is so exciting and about time too. Can't wait to get down to Edinburgh for a wee rummage.

  2. LOVE this. We've had Primark, or Pennys for about 15 years so it's cool to see new cities getting it! :D

  3. I was in there today and I almost died it was so busy. I only wanted wooly tights. There were so many dresses I wanted, but I couldn't face trying anything on :P

  4. wow. I think a trip to see my dad is in order, and to spend all his money in here too! Haha.

  5. PrimarkOnesies has been gaining great name around the world due their good quality products. I have used PrimarkOnesies many times. There are several online stores that provide great offers on these products. But according to me is one of the best world wide online stores that offer wide collection of different types of PrimarkOnesies at cost effective price and free delivery.


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