Friday, 2 December 2011

Edinburgh's mystery book sculptures

I really love this. Since earlier this year something very magical has been happening in Edinburgh. Mystery sculptures made from books have been left around the town by an anonymous artist.

The first sculpture appeared in March at the Scottish Poetry Library.

Photo by Chris Scott
It was a paper tree with this note:
It started with your name @byleaveswelive and became a tree.… ... We know that a library is so much more than a building full of books… a book is so much more than pages full of words.… This is for you in support of libraries, books, words, ideas….. a gesture (poetic maybe?)

This was followed by a gramophone left at the National Library of Scotland. 

Photo by Chris Scott
 For @natlibscot - A gift in support of libraries, books, words, ideas..... (& against their exit) 

& a cinema (how incredible is this?) found at the Filmhouse

Photo by Chris Scott
For @filmhouse - A gift in support of libraries, books, words, ideas..... and all things *magic*

The next one popped up in July at the Scottish Storytelling Centre... a dragon egg sitting in a window.

Photo by Chris Scott
For @scotstorycenter - A gift in support of libraries, books, works, ideas..... Once upon a time there was a book and in the book was a nest and in the nest was an egg and in the egg was a dragon and in the dragon was a story.....

Two more appeared in August at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. One for the festival...

Photo by Chris Scott
To @edbookfest 'A gift' This is for you in support of libraries, books, words, ideas...... & festivals xx

 & one for Edinburgh UNESCO City of Literature.

Photo by Chris Scott
To @edincityoflit 'A gift' LOST (albeit in a good book) This is for you in support of libraries, books, words, ideas.... "No infant has the power of deciding..... by what circumstances (they) shall be surrounded.. Robert Owen

The next one was found on a shelf in the Central Library - a magnifying glass on top of a book. I really love this library - I wrote most of my dissertation in there, and have (surprisingly) fond memories of the experience.

 For Central Library ‘A Gift’ @Edinburgh_CC This is for you in support of libraries, books, words, ideas…. LIBRARIES ARE EXPANSIVE

The final (or so it was thought) sculpture was found in the Scottish Poetry Library in November. It was a paper feather cap with a pair of paper gloves.

Photo by Chris Scott
To @ByLeavesWeLive....... THE GIFTS "Gloves of bee's ful, cap of the Wren's Wings......." Norman McCaig .... maybe sometimes impossible things... In support of Libraries, Books, Words Ideas....

Then the wonderful National Museums of Scotland announced that they had received one (but had needed to delay the announcement as they were a bit distracted by hitting their millionth visitor mark!).

Photo by Chris Scott
For @NtlMuseumsScot A Gift Your friends at @edbookfest suggested you might like this. .... In support of libraries, books, words, ideas and those places that house our treasures......

& this was closely followed by the final one,  a spooky street scene at the Writers Museum.

Photo by Chris Scott
@CuratorEMG A Gift "The stories are in the stones" Ian Rankin In support of Libraries, Books, Words, Ideas ...... and Writers.

No one knows who the artist is (there are rumours floating about, but it's widely been accepted that most people just don't want to know). It's just such an amazing story.

Photo by Chris Scott

Things like this make me love Edinburgh even more.


  1. WOW! Just WOW! I've never seen anything like these, they're stunning!
    What a beautiful and magical story, gave me goosebumps. :D xx

  2. Great story - I had heard about the one at the Book Fest. but didn't see it.

  3. Whoa! I love these! I also happen to be a librarian, so I find this EXTRA cool.

    Love your blog :)

    Mabel Time

  4. A fantastic story that if shared and upheld will encourage the next generation to indulge into books with a passion.

  5. Wow so brilliant

  6. Love this !
    Sculptures are amazing !
    Shame the artist is unknown

  7. Hey! Ive just found your blog and must comment on how wonderful it is! Ive mostly been reading your brillant hair how-to's and im hooked!

    Lucy xx

  8. This is literally amazing! Things like this restore your faith in humanity!

  9. I'm glad this has had so many lovely comments - it's such an amazing story!

  10. soooo beautiful - this bring's a warm feeling, even more so because the genius behind these visual delights is anonymous...x


Thank you so much for commenting, it is lovely and really makes my day!

If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
