Friday, 4 November 2011

Happy thoughts

 Such a busy, busy week! I feel like I am still trying to catch up on work things since returning from holiday (which feels like years ago, sob), & there's loads of exciting ARRG business to be working on, AND I'm trying to keep up with nanowrimo (difficult start, but I am getting there, finally!).

So, here are the things that are keeping me calm and happy in the midst of all of this madness!

1. Perfecting polka dots

It's taken me a bit of practice since my first attempt, but I am finally learning how to do even and neat polka dots! I really really like them, and they are fast becoming my go to polish (which makes a nice change from the leopard print trap I was in!). I am currently wearing purple and blue varnish with white polka dots.. which makes me feel a little like I'm thirteen years old, but ah, it's fine.

The best thing I've learned is to do the dots in rows (rather than just randomly wherever) and using a nail art pen (like the one I am giving away here) really helps keep the dots the same size.

 2. Christmas treats!

I do feel a little dirty saying this, so let me explain. I'm not ready for Christmas lights/presents in shops/tinsel or any of that nonsense. But I do enjoy the gradual way it creeps in as shops and cafes launch their Christmas menus. What can I say... I like treats! In particular, hello thereMmmmm. Be still my heart.

3. Endor

I tend to get a bit obsessed with a band, and listen to them pretty much on repeat (I thought I'd grow out of it after my teenage years, but no luck). Currently I'm on an Endor kick, and I love love love them. When I'm writing (for nanowrimo) I tend to prefer something a little quieter, and they fit the bill perfectly.

They are playing in Edinburgh at the Electric Circus next Thursday (November 10th) & tickets can be bought here. Give them a wee listen.

(On a different note, I have been listening to this song loads recently, and just realised how much it reminds me of the Spill Canvas!).

p.s. I'll be picking a winner of my giveaway tonight - good luck to everyone that's entered already (and thanks for entering!). Have a good weekend.


  1. Those nails are beautiful! Very cute. I am not a big fan of coffee, I wish I was so I could join in on the starbucks christmas cup hype :'( xxx

  2. Lovely blog Juliet!

  3. Jess - aww, maybe you could just get a hot chocolate & ask for it to go in a Christmas cup?

    Linda - thank you!


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