Monday, 14 November 2011

Museum Lates

On Friday night I went along to the very first Museums Lates event at the National Museum of Scotland. I've been looking forward to this for ages (one of the perks of working for an events magazine is that we work closely with the museums & were supporting this night), so I was delighted to see it sell out way in advance (even if that meant there was a bit of a scrambled panic for tickets when we got back from holiday!).

Museum Lates has been set up so big-kid-grown-ups like me (and you) can go along to the museum at night, when there aren't any massive groups of children taking over everything. You can explore the museum at a more relaxed pace, have a glass of wine in hand, listen to djs & bands, take part in interactive things & basically act like children (without having to embarrassingly & awkwardly push children out of the way).

(Note: this has only actually happened once. Honest. It was at the Glasgow Science Centre and there were BABY GUINEA PIGS that were being hogged by kids. It was our turn to hold them. We were just being fair. Ahem).

Anyway. It was so cool! We got in just after doors opened, so instantly went to get our faces painted while there was no queue (which was good thinking, as the queues were MASSIVE later on in the evening)...

Rae got an amazing sparkly flower thing, & I got leopard spots to match my cardigan! 

We explored loads (although looking back, I don't think we even made it to the top floor - there is SO much to see).

Went to the silent disco (my first silent disco experience!). Quite surreal dancing to Blur underneath a massive Chinese dragon...

& got dressed up in safari gear to get our photos taken as Victorian hunters...

There's an official photo of us with our elephant & gear on.. shall scan and post here soon!

It was really really brilliant - the night ended with a set from Found and acrobats magically spinning and dancing from the ceiling.

The next one is in February and will be themed around the new Egyptian mummies exhibition (as a MASSIVE Egypt/archaeology fan I cannot wait!). Keep an eye out for tickets - I highly recommend it, and it'll probably sell out in five minutes.


  1. Sounds like a great night. Fantastic pictures! Please consider posting some of them to our Museum Exposure group on Flickr. Museum Exposure is a project that was capturing museum activity around the world on 11/11/11:

  2. I attended this event too - what a fantastic night! I envy your lovely face painting, I didn't have the patience to wait in such a long queue.

    Perhaps I'll see you at the Egyptian one in February.

  3. Bryony - yes, I saw the face painting queues later & couldn't believe how long they were!


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