Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Hannah Zakari

I've been a big fan of Hannah Zakari for a couple of years now, so it was a no-brainer when Rachael (the owner) asked for bloggers interested in their new look book to get in touch.

Fun fact... Candlemaker Row (where the HZ shop is) was apparently the inspiration for Diagon Alley in Harry Potter!
HZ is an Edinburgh shop (and online store) selling jewellery, homeware, art and accessories from independent designers and artists. The look book arrived just before I went away, and is just as lovely as the shop itself! These were my favourite pages.

I've been eyeing up Gemma Correll's pug not drugs tote bag for AGES.. the mirror is cute too. 

The hair bow! The Vegas necklace! The amazing hair!

My very favourite image... chunky gold horse/fishtail braid combo. Lovely.

A fair amount of the prints in my house were bought from HZ, & these are lovely. (I want the Lets Stay Home one!).

If anyone is reading this that plans to buy me a Birthday or Christmas present then please look here and here, here and um, here. Is that massively shameless? Sorry. It is all lovely though.

Included within the package was a copy of the Hannah Zakari zine, which had a feature on none other than my lovely Auld Reekie Roller Girls. HZ have been taking out ads in the ARRG bout programmes recently, and I absolutely love that a shop I adore supports roller derby!

This is my last scheduled post while I've been away (hopefully you've all been enjoying the others!). By the time this is posted I'll be back in the UK and on a train heading back home to Edinburgh (presumably knackered and nervous of jet lag!).

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