Monday, 17 October 2011

October instagram

Here's what I've been up to (pre-holiday!). 

1. Hanging out with Riley! He's currently on his cat-holidays at Jak's house, I hope he's having a nice time. I always miss him so much when I am away.

2. Having a cake transporting emergency and carrying a lovely cake in a paper carrier bag (a primark bag, no less). Such shame.

3. Wearing Juicy Jules by Models Own. It's really lovely.

4. Enjoying a wee sneaky coffee in Tinderbox in Glasgow.

5. Found my plane tickets from 2010 when getting ready for this year's holiday. These were for London, Auckland, Hong Kong, Honolulu and Los Angeles! What an amazing trip it was, I'd love to go back.

6. Celebrating my friend Aly's return to derby.. one of our lovely group brought sparklers!

7. Being a clumsy baker. Used red food colouring, got it everywhere and then looked like I had a massively cut up hand!

8. Being given lovely Swedish cider from a lovely client! Mmm.

p.s. this is a scheduled post! 


  1. That's cool how you set up those pictures.

    Lol I don't know how someone can use food coloring without at least getting a *little* on themselves (case in point, I had spotted green hands for almost a week).

    Your cat, Riley, is so cute!

  2. Oh god, green and blue is the absolute worst! x


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