Friday, 14 October 2011

Scary gingerbread

One of my Halloween traditions (I have Halloween traditions. I know that's a bit weird) is to make a "scary" gingerbread creation every year. It's oddly quite satisfying... I like taking something that's a bit cutesy and twee (like gingerbread houses) and making them a bit more badass. Saying that, I made a Christmas gingerbread house last year that was ridiculously cute and I loved it too. Anyway. That's fine.

Since I started this tradition I've made a haunted house...

It's meant to be blood dripping down the walls... in reality it just looked a bit sticky.

A scary pyramid (my favourite)..

I made this the year I did an evening class in hieroglyphs. 
& er, another haunted house...

It looks so tame! 
I don't know what I'll do this year (oh god, so much halloween planning to do when I get back to the UK!), but I clearly need to do something other than a house. It's hard though! I'll post my gingerbread recipe when I get back because it is just lovely and incredibly satisfying to make (and your house smells wonderful!).

p.s. this is a scheduled post!


  1. Amazing!! I love this idea and I've so not seen a spooky gingerbread house (though when you think about it they were meant to be scary!) The pyramid one is damn amazing :)

  2. Thank you! I'm going to post a recipe soon - you should give it a go this year x


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