Monday, 8 August 2011

Mimi's Bakehouse

Once upon a time I used to run a cupcake company, ever so sweet (the website is shut down now, but you can see cupcakes at my old flickr). I had a very good many cakes and happy customers (highlights include making 800 cupcakes for topshop in FOUR DAYS, being burlesque props, turning down the offer to make Peter Andre's birthday cake (hah!), my launch party and 1st birthday gig at Cabaret Voltaire!).

I closed it for various reasons and am glad I did, but it means every time a new cake business pops up in Edinburgh I think 'that could have been me!' (I was the first cupcakery after all...).

Anyway, Mimi's Bakehouse is one of those places that makes me momentarily regret shutting ever so sweet, until I realise it means I can enjoy lovely cakes in super sweet surroundings without any of the hard work. Deal! We went there recently and the food... good god, the food.

This was lunch. I am healthy.

Oh scones, I love you.
& the decor was really sweet too.

It's down on the Shore and is really, really tasty and good. It's also BYOB! & caters for veggies! & cake-lovers! (obviously). Mmm.

p.s. my Fringe count continues: Dead Cat Bounce (very good!), Late & Live at Gilded Balloon (amaaaazing fun! Patrick Monahan, Axis of Awesome, and Dead Cat Bounce as the house band!) and finally, Auld Reekie Roller Girls (we won! My friends are amazing). Such a good start to the festival!


  1. aww i had a cupcake business once upon a time too. mine was the best in belfast but as you know it is sooooo much hard work and for various reasons i had to say goodbye to it. i so know how you feel! i get so jealous when i see cute little cake shops especially when i know mine taste better!

    - Ani x

  2. Aww, nice to meet you! It is a weird feeling... although I do like to cheer myself up by thinking of the poor person who is having to ice cakes at 6am in the morning! x


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