Friday, 5 August 2011

Fringe for the Fringe

Well, it has started. This is a scheduled post, so when it goes up I will presumably be eating an amazing lunch as a reward for surviving so well at work in the morning (the infamous List Festival party was last night and is always amazing fun, but Friday mornings afterwards are tricky!).

I am still struggling to get a photo taken without looking like an idiot.
But never mind that, look! I have new hair! I had it cut by the lovely Lesley at Sublime in Edinburgh's Grassmarket & got a brand new full fringe cut in. No more side-fringe-in-eyes for me, oh no.

This is also the first time he's been able to blow dry it (fairly) straight without needing to use straighteners to finish it off - we've been battling the frizz/fuzz ball of my hair & finally it seems to be getting much more healthy and happy! I think this is partly because I've been learning to style it, so I don't have to resort to torturing it with ghds every day, and it is nice to see results. 

I also got my eyebrows threaded and tinted.. and because I now have a proper fringe (exciting) which hides it... hi internet, here is a photo of my eyebrows.

Craig thought this was a very amusing photo to take.
Highly recommended! (Even if threading makes your eyes water SO MUCH). 

ALSO, my fringe show count so far is as follows: Underbelly press launch (Frisky & Mannish were brilliant - definitely booking tickets), Assembly Gala (Pajama Men! Rock the Ballet!) and Gilded Balloon launch (Fascinating Aida, Ali Cook!). More tonight! 

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