Monday, 22 August 2011

August instagram

This year I really wanted to try and take photos a lot more (which is one of the main reasons I started this blog!), so when I got my new phone I downloaded instagram and have been a bit hooked ever since.

So! From the last week...

 1. Aztec/rainbow nail art. (Bit smudgy, but I still like it!). 2. Portobello beach on a cold Scottish summer day. 3. Home made lemonade from the Espy (mmm). 4. I FINALLY learned how to use curling tongs! Will post about this soon. Ignore the glaikit face, was running out the door! 5. Cat-napping with Riley on Saturday morning after dancing til 5am at Gilded Balloon (again). 6. I really love tea. And spreadsheets.

The instagram blog is also worth checking out... particularly for the really striking photos of the London riots. Pretty incredible stuff.


  1. Great pics, I love your hair, really good look. I have that mug too, bought it for my hubby in Urban Outfitter : ) xx

  2. Love a bit of instagram. Those nails are awesome. X

  3. Nice pictures, I'm digging the nails! x

  4. I love instagram! Cut pics Miss Juliet x

  5. Thanks everyone!

    Charlotte - I was given the mug at work, I love it!



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