Sunday, 10 January 2016


Happy Sunday! Have you had a good week? Mine has been manic - after the last lovely days of my holiday,  I was back to reality with a bump with the busiest few days back at work (deadlines are fast approaching and a little terrifying!), and a pretty packed weekend. I need to talk myself into going for a run today, but it's so cold out, I just want to stay in my pyjamas. Aargh!

Anyway, here's the return of Sunday Links - a round up of interesting, creative and fun things I've come across online this week.

Cactus doughnuts by Aww, Sam
New year got you in a bit of an existential panic? Here's 20 signs you're doing better than you think you are.

This made me laugh so much: man says fuck you to careers advisor who claimed 'astronaut' is not a real job.

I have been a huge Taylor Swift fangirl for many years, but this is really fascinating - how Taylor reversed female opinion to become the most famous pop star in the world.

Have you seen Star Wars yet? (You're not one of these people, yeah?). If so, you're probably in love with Oscar Isaac - the internet's new boyfriend.

I'm skint after Christmas, so I'm counting down the days to payday, when I can treat myself to some of the amazing enamel pins from this huge shopping guide! I feel like I need that hedgehog pin at least, right?

I am a huge Neil Gaiman fan, and I absolutely love Gormenghast, so news of the possible film adaptation is very, very exciting!

And finally, this is BRILLIANT, and you should read it. Why don't men I date ever love me?

1 comment :

  1. Thank you for sharing that Taylor Swift article, I really enjoyed reading it! I love her :)

    Laura // Middle of Adventure


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