Monday, 22 October 2012

Halloween how to: severed finger make up

Next up in my halloween how to series is my most gruesome tutorial yet: how to look like you've got a severed finger!

The nice folk over at Team Pixie suggested this tutorial & sent over some pictures for me to use - which has been super handy as I've been in London all week and haven't had time to make anything myself! I love this tutorial so much though - it's making me rethink my costume, with only a week to go - ahh! Anyway, here's how you do it.

You need:
  • prosthetics wax
  • bruise make up palette (red, brown, green, black and yellow colours)
  • fake blood
  • tissue paper
  • cotton wool

1. First pick which finger you'd like to sever! Then start by rolling your prosthetics wax into a sausage and join the ends to make a ring of wax. Make sure your finger is clean and dry, and press the ring of wax on top of your knuckle. 

2. Use a little bit of moisturiser to blend the outside edges of the ring of wax into your finger (the moisturiser will stop the wax sticking to your finger). Don't make it too precise or smooth - the rougher the edges, the more realistic it'll be!

3. Create bruises around the wound by using a bruise wheel and a make up brush. Layer the colours bit by bit, and add bruises across the fingers and nails across your whole hand. 

4. Add cotton wool to the centre of the wound. 

5. And add lots of fake blood to the cotton wool - look how disgusting it is! Splatter a bit of tissue paper (or a rag) with fake blood and hold it to hide your folded finger.

 & that's it! Ewwwww. Thanks to Team Pixie for letting me use their gruesome photos. I want to try this out myself!

Disclaimer: Team Pixie supplied the photos for this post, but I didn't receive anything for posting this tutorial. I just thought it was really cool & liked their stuff!


  1. Oh my gosh, THIS! Haha. Almost got me! So cool though :)

    another day to wander

  2. Charles Fox do great derma wax for this kind of look!

    I'm a new follower of yours - wanna follow back? :)

    - Erin xo - One girl's attempt at creating 365 different make-up looks in as many days

  3. haha, thats so amazing!


  4. EW! Haha, I was scrolling on bloglovin' and saw this and had an "OMG WTF" moment. Haha, you got me.

  5. This is horrifying! Perfect for Halloween! :)

  6. Soooooo rad!!!!!!
    You did an amazing job.

  7. Ahhh this is so impressive! I'm totally going to give this a go.

    Alli xx

  8. This looks genuinely realistic - and terrifying!

  9. That is amazing! It really made me cringe!


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