Wednesday, 31 October 2012

October instagram

I know I basically say this every month, but I CANNOT believe it is almost November. Where has this year gone?! This was such a good month - impromptu holidays, a trip to London & loads of Halloween fun!

1. Winter is coming, which means it's dark and cold by the time I get home & I can't be bothered making anything fancy for tea. This is my new favourite (and very easy!) tea - chuck loads of vegetables in a dish, drizzle in olive oil, squeeze a lemon over & put in the oven for about half an hour. Yum!

2. Old bottles filled with flowers from my garden. We bought the bottles from Drum Farm - a huge antiques barn that's absolutely packed with cool stuff.

3. Stuff that looks a bit like this! The barn was full of everything you can imagine - a suit of armour, furniture, books, suitcases, curios, everything! Well worth a trip if you are anywhere near Edinburgh.

4. Riley being a sook. Look at those paws. Super cute.

5. Craig & I in Portugal, which was lovely! There's more photos here if you fancy a look. It feels like such a long time ago - come back sunshine!

6. Riley chilling out in our library. It's been brilliant having the room all done, it's such a peaceful space.

7. Travelling down to London. I love getting the train down - it's only four and a half hours from Edinburgh, and you get free tea the whole way (which is enough to keep me happy).

8. I couldn't resist getting a photo of Platform 9 3/4 when I was in King's Cross Station! I was hoping that a nice tourist would offer to take my photo (cause I was by myself) but no-one did, and I was too shy to ask. Boo! I'll need to drag Craig there next time we're down.

9. I popped into WAH Nails and got mix & match nail art. I love the skull, it's so cute!

10. Hanging out with my big sisters at my dad's retirement party. I know they read this - hi Dust, hi Tepi! (Hope you don't mind me putting our photo up, ha!).

11. A sign from the old books shop on Victoria Street.

12. Craig & I dressed up for our (early) Halloween party. I was a doll, he was Sheriff Rick from the Walking Dead (talking of which, has anyone else been watching the new series? SO GOOD).

Fun fun fun!


  1. I love your spooky nails and you've just made me crave asparagus! x

  2. :O platfrom 9 3/4!! Looks like you've had a fun October :) Really like your halloween posts


  3. thos enails are super cute!! I love the pic of platform 9 3/4 :D

  4. The nails are so rad. I love the eyeball. How did you do the little blue lines?

    1. They used a nail art pen to do the lines. A kirby grip dunked in polish can be used as a make-shift pen though!

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  6. Your cat is adorable, and that eye make up for halloween makes your eyes look HUGE! x


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