Monday, 2 January 2012

Benefit Smokin' Eyes

One of my Christmas presents this year (thanks mum!) was the Benefit Smokin' Eyes makeup palette. It's an all in one kit for creating a smoky eye (and a real treat as I still mainly buy cheap makeup, so benefit is always appreciated!).

Inside the kit there's a few different things...

Three different eyeshadows - a light pink highlighter, pewter base and a dark charcoal. Then there's a black pencil eyeliner (which, um, I seem to have lost between using it & taking this photo? Oh dear), a fluff shadow/hard angle brush, brow zings shaping wax, eye brightener and a wee pair of tweezers. Phew.

It also comes with instructions on how to create a smoky eye. I'd normally throw these away and just do my own thing (mainly down to habit/laziness), but I decided to give it a go and follow the instructions by the letter! It's really easy, just layering the shadows, blending, etc. I normally use liquid eyeliner so it was quite strange using the pencil again (I forgot how sharp they can be!), but it was basically straightforward.

Ignore my hair, I am refusing to brush it while I am on holiday
Here's how it looks on! Initially I wasn't sure if it was dark enough for my liking (when I do a smoky eye I tend to use blacks and greys) but looking at this photo I really like the brown!

It is a very subtle smoky eye... still, really easy to use! The kit is also perfect to throw in your bag - it's a good size and there's a massive mirror in the lid.

I liked it a lot! It's available on the Benefit website for £28.50 if you fancy.


  1. I have this and i love it !
    I usually just layer the darker colours more because i like mine a bit darker aswell :)
    Really suits you :)

  2. This looks gorgeous, and it seems really easy to use! I normally just use liquid eyeliner but I want to start wearing eyeshadow more so somethign like this would be perfect. Will have to put this on my wishlist!

    Gillian x

  3. Looking totally gorgeous as per! Loving your eyebrows!

  4. Aww, thanks ladies! It's a really nice wee set.

    Launa - that's such a good idea, will try to use more of the darker colours next time x

  5. I think because it's so subtle thats why I'm not a fan of it. I always picture smokey eyes with a nice richly pigmented black and a lot of blending. This just didn't float my boat! eep.

    1. Yeah, that's true, it does feel more like an 'everyday' smoky eye, if that makes sense? Good thing you got it for cheap though! x


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