Friday, 27 January 2012

Floral stripey nails

I really like this nail art! I saw it on a blog ages ago (absolutely cannot remember which one - please tell me if it was yours), and I really liked how spring-like it was. It's quite Cath Kidston like too!

I painted the base colour first, then went over this with a white nail pen to add the stripes. I wasn't patient enough when letting my base coat dry, which is why loads of the lines are smudgy/look a bit gritty (oh well). Then on my thumb and ring finger I painted the flowers by doing two big dots (one pink polish, one red polish) and swirling them round with a kirby grip. I added small strokes of green polish to make the leaves, and added a couple of highlights with the white nail pen on the flowers.

Up close the flowers look just like smudges of colour, but I think they have a definite flower-like appearance from a distance. I hope so anyway!

p.s. sorry for my horrendous photoshopping of the background! I took the photo at my desk at work (my main source of natural light during the week!) and forgot to move my super bright mousemat. It was really distracting, so I had to (badly) edit it out.


  1. Oooo they are so good! I was going to say they look just like Cath Kidston! Beautiful XX

  2. I love your nails.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks very much! I just wish they were less smudgy! x


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