Sunday, 13 September 2015


Currently, it's a very gloomy afternoon in Edinburgh. I've got candles burning, and I've cosied up under a blanket to blog, with netflix on in the background (I'm about to start watching Monsters University, and I am excited!). I've got a bit of a manic week ahead - I'm off to London for work and play, so I'm enjoying the chance to laze while I can.

I was reading through some of my favourite blogs, and I realised that I absolutely love reading posts like these - where people pick out their favourite things from the internet each week. I'm feeling truly back on blogging form after a very lazy summer, so I thought this could be a nice new feature...  so say hello to Sunday Links!
The Instant Comfort Pocket Box - Etsy

I've been amazed watching Patrick Ness' incredible fundraiser for Syrian refugees. He aimed for £10,000, and has now raised just under £600,000, with the help of loads of authors and publishers match-funding donations as they come in. It's been incredible to see the YA community come together, and the money is going to such a good cause. If you haven't donated yet, please consider doing so.

On that note, this reddit AMA is really fascinating. It's a Syrian refugee in Germany, talking about his journey, why he left, and what he's doing now.

I'm getting pretty obsessed with interiors and home decor blogs, as I'm starting to plan my new house, and I've really been enjoying Lily Melrose's moving vlogs. I don't watch many vlogs as they all seem pitched at kids, so it's nice to find someone in their 20's, chatting about the things I like!

I've been rewatching Parks & Recreation (which is pretty much the best show ever made), and I have been loving this collection of 100 Parks & Rec gifs, which means you'll never be stuck for a way to express yourself.

I'm a fan of crisp days and cosy nights in, so I like Miss West End Girl's 10 things to do in Autumn post. Lynsay is also one of my inspirations for starting a links post - you can check out her weekly round up here!

I love Kate's X-Files brooch (SO cute), and I also adore how she's styled a perfect pastel outfit around it.

Apparently, George R.R. Martin's new book is coming in 2016! I'm not sure if I actually believe that, but I'll cross my fingers.

And finally, this made me actually laugh out loud - men wearing a military helmet and nothing else in western art historySHOES, Ajax? and deny the other Greeks the sight of these shapely ankles?

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