Tuesday, 17 September 2013

The Other Side

We all know who Canongate are yeah? The indie Edinburgh publisher (and my old office neighbours!) who have worked with the like of Patrick Ness, Barack Obama, Michel Faber & Yann Martel (plus loads more)? 

Well, Canongate are turning 40 this year (happy birthday guys!) and to celebrate they are hosting The Other Side - a night of stories, sights and sounds... and it looks like fun.

At the party there will be (deep breaths)... amazing storytellers! Authors Michel Faber (love love love!), Matt Haig, Alasdair Gray and Michael Smith will join poet (and ex-Arab Strap musician) Aidan Moffat, RM Hubbert and Rick Redbeard from the Phantom Band. 

Jeremy Dyson (he of League of Gentleman, Psychobitches, & Ghost Stories) will take guests over to the dark side with his twisted tales (I don't know what this really means, but it sounds great). There will also be music! A showcase of original short films featuring Tilda Swinton (love her), Miranda July, and Gil Scott Heron, AND a preview of Under the Skin (written by Michel Faber, starring Scarlett Johansson, set in deep dark Scotland. Lovely stuff).

AND there will be live art by the super-cool Too Much Fun Club AND even more mash-ups of arty, Scottish, publishing loveliness. Plus, I imagine there will probably be gin.

Sound good? OF COURSE it does. It's on this Thursday (September 19th) at The Jam House, Edinburgh. 

Tickets are only a tenner (what a cultural bargain) and are available here.

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