Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Stay Home Club

As a fan of hibernating and cosy homes, I am a big big fan of the Stay Home Club. Run by illustrator, and all-round super person, Olivia Mew (who I've blogged about before - she designed my amazing star wars droid scarf), Stay Home Club is a collection of super cute (and slightly grumpy) items for yourself and your house!

As well as featuring loads of Olivia's illustrations, there's a whole range of things by contributing artists - if you've ever wanted an illustrated pillow then this is your lucky day.

I really want everything, but will do my best to hold off shopping until I get my house/future flat situation sorted (aaargh!). But until then, here's what I've got my eye on...

Top row

 Bottom row

Passive-aggressive apparel is the BEST. Be mine!


  1. Always an advocate for coziness! :)

  2. I love the stay home club shirts, I really want the donut and logo shirts now that I am a stay at home mum & wife! They're going to make great presents this christmas!

  3. Ahh, love that "Nothing" banner. Speaks to me, as I'm going to community college at the moment, which a lot of people consider "nothing" or "fake college." Would be funny to hang that in my room as all my university friends have banners from their "real schools." HA!

  4. Omg! So funny. I need that Buffy tote. So cute.

  5. Haha that no new friends t-shirt is killing me! Excellent.


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