Monday, 9 September 2013

How to: bake chocolate chip cookies

Autumn is here, days are getting darker, and nights are getting colder. That means it's pretty much perfect time for baking, and a good cookie recipe is something you should have to hand at all times!

Here's what you need:
  • 150g butter
  • 80g light muscovado sugar
  • 80g granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 225g plain flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 200g plain chocolate chips
  • 75g white chocolate chunks

Start by heating your oven to 175 degrees, and look out some baking trays and baking paper.

Ideally, you should have left your butter out for a while to soften up before baking. I forgot to do this (I'm a rubbish baker sometimes), so instead I grated it into a bowl. This looks super weird, I know (it looks like cheese!), but it makes it a million times easier to mix it, and avoids the danger of any horrible buttery lumps!

Mix together the butter, muscovado sugar and granulated sugar until it's soft and creamy. Add the egg and vanilla extract, mix again until it's nice and smooth, then add the flour, bicarb of soda and salt. Mix again (I couldn't be bother getting my mixer out, so just used a wooden spoon for the whole thing) until everything's combined.

Now add your toppings! I went a bit chocolate mad with plain chocolate chips and white chocolate chunks (mmm) but you obviously can add anything - raisins, hazelnuts, marshmallows - go wild. Mix it all together so the chocolate is evenly distributed and spoon small dollops of the dough onto your baking tray. Try and spread them out and don't feel like you need to cram loads on the tray - you'll just end up with one MASSIVE cookie if you do this (although that's not necessarily a bad thing!).

Bake in the oven for about 10 minutes, until the edges of each cookie go light brown. They'll be stupidly soft when you first take them out of the oven - that's okay, as they'll harden up as they cool. Just slide them onto a cooling rack (I didn't even bother trying to take them off the paper until they'd cooled down) and leave for a while.

This recipe made about 24 cookies (I only had one baking tray, so it took me three goes to get them all in the oven). They're all a bit mismatched and odd sizes, but who cares about that? They are gooey, chewy, soft cookies and they are delicious.



  1. Ok, these look amazing! Will definately have to try them out, I'm craving chocolate chip cookies now! xx

  2. Yum, I haven't made cookies in for ever! As autumn is approaching fast I feel the need for a oaty raisin cookie with lashings of cinnamon.

  3. I need to get my bake on for an event next week. I'll have to put these on the list!

  4. I love cookies! I'll bookmark this recipe and give it a go, I just wish I had a cookie right now! xxx


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