Sunday, 26 May 2013

Leopard wishlist

I've had the most horrible cold this weekend - it hit me completely out of the blue & has reduced me to a sniffly, moany mope (even when the sun was out, how unfair!). So to cheer myself up, here's some window shopping, blog-style.

I like leopard print, and am on a mission to have enough in my wardrobe so I can go out, head-to-toe in leopard one day (aka hairscarf-to-shoes - be warned pals, this will happen). I also like all of these things. That's about as much effort as you'll get from a sniffly, ill girl today!

Top row

Bottom row

Super cute! Now cross your fingers for me please & hope my summer cold goes away quickly!

1 comment :

  1. I never know how I feel about leopard print but those socks are amazing.

    Toad & Feather


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