Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Crafty things to make for the house!

Earlier this year I was all relaxed and confident, knowing that there were MONTHS until we moved into our new house. I thought things like - yeah, I'll just pack a little each week. & - I'll start the clear out now, so that I don't have much rubbish to sort through. And also - I'll do all the furniture DIYs I want in advance, so all my crafty things are ready when we move.

There are now only 36 days before our "date of habitation" and none of these things have happened. Oops.

SO. Here's a reminder, self. Things I'd like to make before we move.

1. Get fancy with some washi tape and a lack table from Ikea (you know, the ones that are £10ish?). Washi tape comes in a million different colours, and this seems like such a quick and simple idea! & everyone likes stripey pastel things, yeah? (Craig probably doesn't. Sorry in advance, Craig).

2. Make colourful cake stands with a little bit of spray paint and glue!  I love cake stands. They are sort of pointless if you aren't hosting endless tea and dinner parties, but I made up a little collection when I was running my cupcake company and have always had a soft spot for them.

3. Turn an old dresser into a kitchen island! My mind is basically going to be blown when I live in a house with an actual, separate kitchen with SPACE (omg) so I'm already getting a bit giddy at the thought of having an island (WHAT HAS MY LIFE BECOME?). Anyway, this is cool - buy an old dresser, attach hooks and the like and paint!

4. Make a suitcase bed for Riley! I've actually already bought a suitcase for this project (for only £5, thanks ebay!) so just need to sort myself out and attach legs.

Motivation - go! 


  1. I really like your chosen projects! I think the kitchen island is my favorite. =)

  2. Love these, the kitchen island idea is amazing, I have an old dresser in the garage that I hate, but with a lick of paint it might be a usable kitchen island or sideboard! Thanks for the inspiration x

  3. Aah. The good old Ikea Lack table! Available in so many colours over the years, but this idea with the washi tape is inspired. I love it! ;D xx

  4. I have been wanting to try the cakestand myself!! Love all of the ideas...sometimes it get's so hard staying on task. Can't wait to see the finished products :))

  5. The dresser as a kitchen island is a brilliant idea! Good luck for the move :)

  6. ohh I love the suitcase cat bed! haha it's amazing! Also we have the lack table... never even thought to do anything with it...I'll get on that! xx

  7. The suitcase bed looks so cute!

  8. I love the kitchen island. I'm on the hunt for one that will fit into our kitchen but haven't managed to find the right size/colour yet. I fancy getting an old battered one from Ebay and giving it a new lease of life! x

  9. Great post, :D Love the cat bed Idea I will be trying this :)I hope you will follow my blog


  10. Oo I am in love with the cat suitcase bed, that is so cool!

  11. Errrr I love all of these!!Im soon to be getting a cat so the last one will blatantly be done, I hate all the shop cat beds ive seen.Are u renting or buying?Will you get to redecorate?xxx


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