Monday 2 February 2015


January is always dark and cold and a bit miserable after the non-stop merriment of December, so I've enjoyed having quite a lazy month, curled up with books and netflix, with the heating constantly on! Here's what it looked like.

Instagram username: @eversojuliet
1. I'd been eyeing up Rifle Paper Co's In Bloom series for a while online, so it was a delight to stumble across one when I was book shopping with my nephew. I've never actually read Little Women, so I'm looking forward to starting it soon!

2. It's been a whole year since I became this beardy Australian's girlfriend, and I am very, very happy about it. He's even managed to convince me to play a TERRIFYING zombie video game with him. It must be love.

3. I've been banishing grey January days by filling my house with fresh flowers. Joshua got me this beautiful bunch and I love them! So bright and happy.

4. Last year I was quite a half-hearted blogger, but now I feel so much more motivated. Since the start of the month I've been posting three times a week, and I'm really enjoying it again! This posey selfie was from the day I made crayon lipstick - I think tutorials are my favourite posts to write.

5. For the last few months, Scotland Re:Designed have had a pop-up shop in Edinburgh, showcasing seriously cool Scottish designers. I went along to a blogger event they had recently (managing to avoid the temptation of being in my pyjamas by 7pm), and seriously lusted over the Obscure Couture corner. Could I pull off a massive fluffy coat? Probably not, but I want to try!

6. A few months ago I started thinking about getting a pet again, which has turned into fairly obsessive animal researching (I like to be prepared!). I really love birds and have heard wonderful things from bird owners (alongside bemusement and mild horror from non-bird owners).... so I'm thinking a cockatiel could be a good idea. If you've ever had a bird, please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts!

7. It was my friend Amy's 30th birthday (happy birthday Amy!) and as it's the UN International Year of Light (obvs), she had a light-themed party... complete with UV lights that made your teeth light up. We thought this was hugely hilarious.

8. I've already blogged about it, so I won't bang on about it again, but smoothies. I LOVE THEM.

9. And my final day of a very uneventful January was spent in a cosy pub catching up with a lovely friend who is just back from a three-month adventure around the world (I'm not jealous at ALL).

I'm excited to see what February will bring! Hopefully slightly less ice?

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