Monday, 26 January 2015


Last week, Maison de Moggy, Scotland's first cat cafe opened up in Edinburgh. Cat cafes are, as you'd imagine, places where you can hangout with cats, while drinking tea, eating cakes, and just enjoying purring pals.

Cat cafes got super popular in Japan and started popping up in the UK recently (Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium is probably the best-known over here). They're aimed at people who love cats but can't keep them, and offer the chance to relax with some feline company.

The cats at Maison de Moggy have all been living together for a few months to let them become pals (because there's nothing worst than scrapping cats), and there's a member of staff watching them at all times to make sure they don't get in any mischief (or more likely, that they aren't wound up by customers).

And they're CUTE. You can see the cats here, and they're quite an exotic bunch - ragdolls, bengals, a chinchilla persian, maine coon, norwegian forest cat, and a couple of British shorthairs. Fancy cats are lovely, but it would have been nice to see some mongrels in there too - I hope if they ever expand their gang, they think about rescue kittens, there's so many of them in centres (always neuter your pets, kids!).

If you want to visit the cafe you have to book a time in advance (which you can do online). It costs £6 (or £7) at the weekend for an hour, and they recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes early so you can be briefed and not miss out on any of your cat hangtime!

Maison de Moggy is based at 26 Hamilton Place in Stockbridge, Edinburgh, and is open Monday to Saturday, 11am - 7pm.


  1. I hadn't realised this place was open for business - I'm just about to move away from Edinburgh but I'll definitely be trying to squeeze in a visit before I do. These cats are adorable - but hopefully like you said they'll spread the love around a bit more and support the non-designer cats too. Thanks for the heads up :)

  2. I've been so excited about this! Even more excited now that I know there's a maine coon cat at the cafe. Most definitely visiting the next time I'm in Edinburgh.


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