Friday, 16 January 2015


The weather outside is frightful (truly AWFUL, I thought I was going to be blown over this morning!), and summer feels a long, long while away.

I always get annoyed by high street shops who start clearing away winterwear in January - do they forget we live in Britain? So hooray for Joules, who realise that it's actually still quite cold here, and have a whole heap of things designed to help you outwit the weather...

Top row
Waterproof hooded jacket - when the weather is seriously blustery, umbrellas are most definitely NOT your friend, but hoods solve everything! I didn't know how much I needed a green jacket in my life until now.

Navy wellies - if you live in the UK, wellies are a bit of a depressing wardrobe staple. Joules do a huge range of floral wellies, but I prefer a bit more of a traditional look (which means you can wear them without looking like you're off to a festival!).

Intarsia jumper - I am obsessed with mustard-coloured clothing at the moment, and the floral neck on this jumper is so pretty! Look at your jumper when the weather is miserable, and remember that spring is (supposedly!) just around the corner...

Bottom row

Rubber raincoat - for seriously dreicht days you need a proper raincoat, which MUST have a hood. This has lovely toggles and a stripey lining too, so you can feel like a really excellent fisherman.

Cream check scarf - massive scarves are great, and massive tartan scarves are even better!

Reversible jumper - this jumper has a row of buttons down the back, meaning you can either wear it as a cardigan OR a jumper (although you may get comments about getting dressed backwards...). Either way, it's a really lovely pattern, and it's light enough to wear year round.

I want it all!


  1. Those rain coats are lovely - I can't decide which I list best though.

  2. I love that yellow coat!


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