Monday, 2 June 2014

Outfit: vintage candy stripes

A few weeks ago, I went along to Judy's Vintage Fair, with the aim of buying a headscarf (or two) and just a wee browse around. Joshua & I were picking out the most hideous/amazingly vintage pieces we could find (because it's funny to laugh/be amazed by sequinned shoulder-padded onepieces, of course) and I picked up a dress that looked like it had belonged to a 50s diner waitress.

But then, weirdly, I realised I liked it.

& I tried on it. And I still liked it (I actually liked it even more).

So I then had a torturous 20 minutes, where I couldn't decide if I liked it enough to spend £25 on it or if I would ever actually wear it in public. We realised that neither of us had enough cash, I tried to bargain (which was hugely unsuccessful, and embarrassing), left the venue deciding that I was too skint to buy a ridiculous dress, then immediately changed my mind, powered to a cash machine, charged back to the Fair, had a panic when it wasn't on the stand, but thankfully discovered it had just been hidden away. PHEW.

Photo from City Experts Arty Party
 This is said dress. It feels pretty different to what I'd normally wear, so (as predicted) I had a bit of a nervous strop the first time I planned to wear it out... but I figured if I couldn't wear this dress to a hipster party in an art gallery, then I was never going to wear it. So I was brave, and embraced the candy stripes!

Photo from City Experts Arty Party
To try and look a wee bit less like I was in uniform, I put a black vest top underneath so I could unbutton it a bit, and added a brown belt and my favourite ampersand brooch (bought from Etsy). Google also kindly provided matching candy striped straws, which helped an impromptu photo shoot!

I got really nice comments that night (thanks pals & generous strangers!), managed not to spill any of the fancy cocktails on it, and generally was pleased with my vintage get up. So, lesson learned. Sometimes it's good to try something a wee bit different (especially if it's only £25!).


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If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
