Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Motel Rocks sunglasses

After months and months of living in an endless winter, the sun FINALLY came out at the weekend. Hooray! Even though it was still a bit too cold, and definitely a bit too breezy, I lay in my garden & soaked up as much natural light as I could... I worry that I've been developing a vitamin D deficiency!

The sunshine also gave me an excuse to whip out my brand new sunglasses, vintage inspired wayfarers from Motel Rocks. I love them!

Spot the self-snap!
They were only £18 (bargain!) and do feel a wee bit plasticy, but not flimsy at all - I have full faith that I can chuck them in my bag and they'll live to see another day. They felt a wee bit small for me at first, but not too uncomfortable, and I think they'll stretch to fit (does this mean I have a big head? Oh dear!). That aside, I'm really, really pleased with them.

Motel Rocks vintage wayfarers - £18
Motel have got a few different styles in their shop at the moment... I'm also eyeing up this tortoiseshell pair. Lovely!

Also, remember that the code eversojuliet will get you 20% off at Motel Rocks all the time (apart from, annoyingly, some accessories - like these! Good if you fancy a dress though).


  1. They look sweeeet on you! xxx

  2. Very cute! Don't you just love camera reflections on selfies??? Anytime I wear shades all you see is my arm lol.

    Mabel Cooks

  3. They really suit you chick, you look fab x

  4. Round frame glasses are my favorite choice to buy designer eyewear in UK. I live in the UK and we always finding a unique staff that enhance my personality and style statement as well. These types of sunglasses are nice option for those women who want a pair that increased their style statement and suit on their face. In this pair you are looking very cute, this pair is totally suit on your face. Nice Eyewear.


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If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
