Monday, 22 April 2013

Floral wishlist

After months of rain & gloom, my garden is finally looking pretty again as things start to grow & colourful flowers pop up. I've been a rubbish gardener so far this year (despite all good intentions, I've planted no spring seeds so far), but last autumn I went a bit crazy with winter bulbs... which means I have bursts of purple, red, yellow, pink and blues all over the place!

SO because flowers are lovely & make people smile, here's a wishlist of floral-esque nice things (because you can't be in a garden all the time, can you?).

Top row

Bottom row

I have been on the lookout for a nice new scarf for ages, and I think the skulls are enough to keep my inner grunge kid happy. I never ever wear white shoes (I'm too scruffy!) but I think these ones could be an exception... look at that Liberty print! 


  1. Well that floral clutch bag is very pretty!

  2. Baah, I love this! Those pencils are the rad, and of course I'm lusting over all the springy lush things. I've never used washi tape. What's it like?

    1. It's really fun (and addictive!). Like a thin masking tape. x

  3. I am such a rubbish gardener. I think I'd much rather go with the flowers on that pretty clutch. At least I wouldn't have to worry about killing them with my neglect. X

    1. Aw! That's the beauty with spring bulbs - you just chuck them in and hope for the best! The clutch is much less muddy though...! x


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If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
