Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Cosy boots wishlist

I feel like I've been tricked by winter. It's the same every January - as soon as Christmas and New Year are over, I assume that spring is just around the corner & then am surprised (and depressed) by the long, long, LONG cold dark weeks that follow.

I'm typing this with a hot water bottle on my knees, so getting cosy is definitely on my mind! Even though I'm counting down the days until Spring starts (or the temperature at least rises above freezing, I'm not picky), I couldn't resist putting together a wishlist of the cosiest looking boots I could see.

Shoes - Spartoo

1. Buffalo Mac Queen I am in love with these boots! They are cosy, they have buckles & they are studded. Love love love.

2. Blink - Foutra Sorry for only ever blogging about shoes with buckles, but I like them! I love how fuzzy these boots are - totally unappropriate for wintery countryside walks (or anything with danger of muddly puddles), but perfect for city days.

3. Blink - Blouk Ignoring the ridiculous name of these boots (sorry, but Blink Blouk? Hm!) I really like them. I think they would be really lovely with thick grey tights and a floral dress OR with jeans tucked in. And they have buckles. Obviously.

4. UGG - Brooks I have never been an UGG fan. I can't understand why people spend £££ on what just looks like big expensive slippers. But they seem to be branching out from just the classic style & are making boots that look a bit more sturdy. For over £250 you would hope they would last you FOREVER though!


  1. 2 look so so warm! Which is perf for this rubbishy weather! xxx

  2. I thought the exact same thing as you! I was saying "Why the hell are we getting snow!" and then I remembered! xxx

  3. oooh they all look lush, I think that uggs are overexpensive/overrated but i need some shoes with fur in them! perfect for this weather! <3

  4. Buckles make boots better. Fact. I like the look of the ugg ones but can't believe the expense! I'd quite like a fur lined pair too, Edinburgh is freeeeeeezing just now xxx

  5. I hear ya! enough of winter, I so ready for spring at least we've had no snow yet in NI

  6. Drat, can't believe those last ones are actually uggs! Uggh... With you on the winter boots though, had to dig mine out recently just as I was expecting that I was going to wear them this winter!


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