Monday, 21 May 2012

A summery outfit

Oh happy days, it FINALLY stopped raining in Edinburgh at the weekend. Craig and I jumped in the car on Sunday morning for a wee impromptu road trip down to the Scottish Borders (which was super easy as we are about 10 minutes away - the wonders of suburban living!).

I have loads of photos from our wee adventure (more on these later) but I thought I'd brave taking outfit photos in the beautiful grounds of Traquair House - a nicer backdrop than what I'd normally use! 

Sunglasses - Prada (wonderful birthday treat)
Lipstick - Rockalily 
I have never grown out of putting daisies in my hair (much easier than making a proper daisy chain!).

Dress - River Island
Satchel - New Look
Slightly awkward posing in Traquair's walled garden. It was so warm and beautiful! I absolutely love this dress too - it's so comfy and perfect for early summer weather.

Shoes - New Look
I love these shoes! They are quite tacky (and I don't know how long they will last, sob), but it is a bit of a battle not to wear them every single day.

Scrabble ring - Etsy 
And this is my super cute scrabble ring! My lovely pal Steph has a matching "J" one (friendship rings for twenty six year olds, I guess).

So nice to get out and wear SUNGLASSES today too! Please stay sun, I've missed you!


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If you have any questions I will do my best to answer them quickly, or you can also tweet me @eversojuliet
