Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Loopy Lorna's Tea House

It's not really a surprise that I am a fan of cake. And tea. And particularly tea and cake. So, a couple of weeks ago, when I saw that my Science Festival event had been moved to the Church Hill Theatre I was over the moon, as it meant I had an excellent excuse to visit Loopy Lorna's Tea House.

Loopy Lorna's is one of several tea & cake wonder cafes in Edinburgh. They consistently win awards & receive glowing reviews, and it's not hard to see why. Not only is the food (and tea!) ace, but they do so much to support their local community & charities. The cafe was set up as an ode to the owner's mum (called Lorna) who died of cancer, and they run loads of fundraising events across the year.


In a world full of Starbucks & Costa's, it's lovely to see a local business with so much heart. This also means (on a selfish note), that you can feel quite smug about supporting them. Guilt-free cake! What's not to like?

So. We ate.

 Soup & a sandwich for Craig. Chicken pate on toast (with some sort of chutney-thing) for me.

Chocolate cake (with snickers on top) for Craig.

And a WONDERFUL scone for me (this defeated me, but it was glorious).

The tea house is really quirky too.. it feels a little like sitting in a forest, and there are loads of little tea-based quotes all over the walls.

Loopy Lorna's Tea House is based in the Church Hill Theatre in Morningside. If it's not obvious, I'd definitely recommend a visit!


  1. That looks so delicious!
    I agree it's lovely to see an indepent coffee shop thrive =)

  2. What a gorgeous place. I love independent tea shops like this - the cake sizes are always so much bigger and they always taste so delicious and home made like!

  3. Oh my god, why don't I like anywhere near Scotland :( This place incredible! I always go to smaller or independent coffee places over Starbucks.. Infact, I actively avoid Starbucks most of the time.
    The cake looks incredible as well, I'd definitely accidentally on purpose forget about my dairy allergy if I was there haha

  4. My friend has been here and really enjoyed it. I think I'll make here take me here when I'm next in Edinburgh.

  5. Wow this looks so cute, I'd love to go there sometime. Such yummy food, sounds like you enjoyed it! XxxX

    1. Thanks so much Juliet and all! It's wonderful to receive such lovely feedback and hugely appreciated! By the way we also always have GF and Dairy free cakes....unless they've been sold out! We bake our cakes freshly throughout the day. One of our mottos is 'Cake for All'!
      As you mention we try to support charities in any way we can... My mum was a wonderful caring and courageous woman and I want her to be proud and think all businesses should 'pay back' to the communities that support them.
      Thanks again
      Gaynor ( daughter of Loopy Lorna!)xxxxxx


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