Monday, 25 July 2011

Star Wars scarf

I'm meant to be saving up (trying to fund the -slightly- impulse holiday buy plus mortgage saving, ugh), but when I saw the latest scarf by Olivia Mew I couldn't resist. It has droids on it. DROIDS.

These are droids. They are cool.
& it came in a lovely parcel with a couple of sweet postcards...

The scarf!
AND the colours go really well with my hair. See? It was meant to be.

Pretty much the best $20-I shouldn't-be-spending-but-DID-spend-because-it's-a-star-wars-scarf.  It is available herealong with an amazing cat scarf (which I managed to resist, but may cave in post-pay day).  I feel like such a Jedi. 


  1. Star wars scarf! That's just amazing, I loev it! :D Definitely worth breaking your savings a little bit

  2. Yes! Definitely the best impulse buy I have made in a while. x

  3. I'm meant to be saving up (trying to fund the -slightly- impulse holiday buy plus mortgage saving, swtor credits
    swtor credits


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