Thursday, 14 July 2011

Cub cake

Today it was my very good friend Adam's last day at work (sob! boo! etc), so as a wee leaving present I baked him a cake. The man likes cake.

He gets nicknamed Cub, so  I made a very manly vanilla sponge with a fondant bear and a mini bunting banner.
I used this recipe (as it is lovely and easy), iced it with buttercream and then lined the sides with giant milkybar buttons. Mmm.
I made the bear by mixing green and red fondant (bought from sainsburys), and piping his wee face and paws with chocolate. There is a skewer running through the bear to keep his head on (and luckily I remembered to warn everyone before someone tried to eat it one go!).
The bunting was really simple to do, but finished off the cake perfectly. I started by downloading letters from this lovely blog, playing about with the colours in print until they looked good together, and changing the size until I was happy that they wouldn't overwhelm the cake. I used bbq skewers and string to hold it all up. Easy!

It is SUCH an easy cake to do as you don't have to worry about making the buttercream neat - the giant buttons cover everything up nicely. & most importantly, it went down well!


  1. wow!! Cub Cub...he's gone...he's dead..he's not dead. xx

  2. He's deaaaaaad. (He's not dead). Can't believe almost all of the old team is gone.

    Are you going to come down for the festival party? It's on August 4th xx

  3. This is such a cute cake. I love how you did the bear! All I want to do is eat it, I might try out the recipe. :) xxx

  4. Thanks!

    You should definitely try it & let me know how it works for you. x

  5. Brilliant cake!

    Have to show this to the other half as my birthdays coming up... Though i fear his attempt wouldnt be as neat as yours... and probably wouldnt include the bear :(

  6. Aww, I'd love it if my boyfriend baked me a cake (even if it was rubbish!). x


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