Monday, 18 July 2011

Nautical nails

I am clearly becoming a little obsessed with stripes and anchors. I tried out a red version of this a few weeks ago, and fancied trying it in darker colours. Weirdly, navy doesn't seem that common a nail varnish (or maybe I just shop in the wrong places), but I finally found it & painted the above. It is SO easy to do, and looks nice and summery and sailor-like.

I thought this was maybe a more work-appropriate nail varnish than, say, pandas, & mentioned this to a colleague, who just went - "what, because you are a sailor?!". Er, well, I see his point.

Anyway, it's really easy to do if you fancied joining the sailor club. I used a white nail art pen from Claire's to do the stripes and the anchor, then added the red. It's pretty important to use a white base on a dark background, otherwise you won't see the red at all, it'll just disappear into the blue. I'd like to point out that the above photo is of my right hand (i.e. painted with the left) and is practically (for me) smudge-free. I am proud.


  1. these are totally awesome! I love anything nautical so i love these nails and this is an awesome post x

  2. Such cute, nautical nails! Love it!

    x Michelle |

  3. Cheers! They still haven't chipped either - happy days.

  4. I love these hun, such a great idea and you have done a great job! Love nail art at the moment, so many great designs around xx Great post and great blog, I am following, follow me too?? xx

  5. Thank you! I will check out your blog x

  6. I love all things nautical so I think sailor nails are an awesome choice :)

  7. I LOVE these! I've been trying to do some nautical nails but I absolutely suck at drawing anchors! :(


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